Nuron - This is a personal information management application I'm working on currently. It aims to support the bookmarking of arbitrary digital resources. Built using FastAPI and React. Implements full text search using meillisearch and supports markdown notes. Still lots to be done.
resize - A content aware image resizing prototype written in Rust with a UI built with egui
key-shredder - A touch typing and typing speed improvement practice application still in its early stages.
mobile-flashcards - A flashcards applications written in React Native and tested on Android Expo Emulator and the Xcode iPhone 11 Simulator.
would-you-rather - A quiz application built with React as a project for Udacity's React Nanodegree. Implemented with React and Redux.
MyReads - A bookshelf web application implemented in React as a project for Udacity's React Nanodegree.
imgen - An image utility library to place augmented images on arbitrary backgrounds and return their bounding boxes. Useful for training object detection models. Supports images with alpha channels.
- PyCon India 2017 - Slides for the workshop "Optimizing Deep Learning models with Tensorflow" presented at PyCon India 2017 in New Delhi.
- Writing Clean Code - Slides for the "Writing Clean Code" talk.